"I repeat that your place in life, including your material environment, is determined by the thought-form you habitually hold of yourself. When you make a thought-form of yourself you can hardly fail to form in your mind a corresponding environment. If you think of yourself as an incapable, inefficient person, you will think of yourself with poor or cheap surroundings. Unless you think well of yourself you will be sure to picture yourself in a more or less poverty stricken environment. These thoughts,habitually held, become invisible forms in the surrounding mind-stuff, and are with you continually. In due time, by the regular action of the eternal creative energy, the invisible thought-forms are produced in material stuff, and you are surrounded by your own thoughts made into material things." Wallace d wattles The Science Of Being Great.
I posted this quote today because I felt that it really rang true in my life. I think some parents really believe they are doing all that they can for there children, to give then a good life. Though they may do somethings the right way, they don't recognize how there outlook on life directly effects their children.
Good example, I have a great nephew and he is 4 years old and absolutely adorable little boy. Now, I have a sister, she is 49 yrs old and he spends most of his time at her house because, she babysits him all the time.
My sister recently went natural. For those that don't understand what it means to go natural, this refers to African American hair and not chemically straightening it, but letting it remain it's natural kinky texture. After years of not being able to get her hair to grow and breakage she decided to stop getting her hair straightened, but was very fearful because she didn't want other black women to look down on her or say she looked ugly or looked like a boy.
My sister has this habit that when she is unhappy with her appearance. She will stand in the mirror and call herself ugly and tell herself how ugly her hair is. To cover up the look of her hair, she has braid extensions and weave put in so she doesn't feel ashamed of herself.
So one day, She didn't have the braids in and my little nephew saw her. He walk up to her and said Granny you are ugly. Now granted he is at her house all the time. He frequently hears her refer to herself as ugly. A child his age doesn't understand the concept of beauty outside of what he observes around him. So she comes to me, I have a natural too and have been growing my hair out for a very long time. She is crying about how this little boy called her ugly. I said who is he to have an opinion of you and your hair. You need to love what you have because it is beautiful and soft.
My point in this story is how our view of ourselves directly effects our environment and how the people around us view us. I have grown up in a toxic thought environment just as my sister has and there is a chain reaction that happens when you think negative thoughts about yourself. Whether it is because someone made fun of you as a child or you were a poor unsuccessful adult. And eventually your thoughts manifest.
I thin girl that believes she is fat may find herself gaining weight because her self loathing leads her to eat. A man that believe he is not good with women will find it awkward to talk to them and will not be able to have a love connection. A person that fears getting Breast cancer because someone else in her family had it, may one day wake up with a lump in her breast. Our thoughts become our environment, our life style, and make up everything we have in our life.
In the bible Jesus talks about how a man that lusts after a women in his heart has already committed adultery.
So today I challenge you to observe a negative thought you have in your mind about yourself on a regular basis and challenge it. You might find your life will start changing. I use to act as my sister did. When I went away for school and the people I was around changed, I found myself looking in the mirror and thinking about myself as a beautiful person. When you do that people see your confidence and want to be around you. So my second challenge is that you challenge other peoples negative thoughts about you. They may be a direct reflection of what you think of yourself.
God Bless,
P.S. More Bobby Chui for your now go draw.