Thought I would share my process for doing sketch cards. It is very similar to when I do my pinups But I change it when I do them on preprinted sketch cards cause I have to transfer the layout sketch over to the card with tracing paper. I might go over that one day. Tracing paper is your friend.
I had some scrap paper laying around. so I used a piece of that and drew out this sketch . I like to use a light box to trace my artwork to do the finished line work. Many people people don't like to trace or they see it as something bad but honestly it is a great tool for cleaning up your art as well as making changes and adjustments. You will be surprised to find out how much pros tend to trace there own work to get the desired effect they want in an image. (Now tracing someone else's work is an absolute no no.) But never think using the light box as a tool is a bad thing.
I don't have the inks for this Because I jumped right into the coloring but I hope you enjoy the finished product. One day I might go over how you can use the Dr. Martin dyes to paint.