I had a great time. I went by myself cause it was to short notice to get any one to come out. But it was wonderful! I saw a lot of things tonight. Somethings reminded me of being back in NYC. ( miss it there).
People sitting on street corners begging for money in creative ways. I school bus art gallery that had graffiti all over it and when you walked in it was like entering another world. The local capoiera Troop out fighting on the street and playing music. Got to see a bunch of bands playing some live music and Spoke to a few artists who were renting studio space and selling there work. Saw some line bag pipe plaers and that was pretty amazing and a girl grabbed some box tape and helped me wrap some posters around a few polls while I put out fliers for the Arts Flea Market tomorrow.
Got to see a art show/auction where the money went to support a men's homeless shelter. Saw some people doing a live painting in the back alley of a coffee shop. They had innocence burning everywhere and it reminded me of when I use to do Ashtanga Yoga every week.
Sometimes KC seems like a different place than it was 4 years ago. Especially with the new Sprint center right in the center of mid town.
The cool thing about walking around by myself was no one to like wine about how they were ready to go and they didn't want to go to so and so gallery. Not that it happens all the time or anything but sometimes you know, when you have other people with you , you have to cter to there needs on top of trying to have a good time your own self.
Another cool thing I did today was I got to meet with my good friend Rick Staci. and we ate some BBQ and talked about old times and really caught up on things. Talked about Kuberts and stuff. I thought the most interesting thing was how he was saying that you have to pay your dues so to speak. Go through a bunch of B.S. and struggle a bit doing what every it takes to live your dream until things turn themselves around. He talked about hoe he use to to book, role news papers and work a full time job all at once before he "came to his sinces" and started making changes in his life. He is suck a wonderful, lovable inspiring high energy guy.Being around him will lift your spirits cause he has so much passion for his craft. You can see it in his eye. He glows when he talks about comics and being able to draw Batman and Superman.

Anyway, I hope any locals will come out to the art flea Saturday and visit. Otherwise see ya when I see ya!
God Bless,