I know I am supper late today with posting. It is a good reason for it though. Today I attended Mo-Kan Comic Conspiracy. Thanks to all those that made this a blessed day for me. I got to see some long lost friends and even ran into some former QB's and I got to relax and share my art work with others.
Today was one of the most blessed days I have ever had. Wonderful people. hanging with friends listening to a guy play some live music at the table and do some Weird Al while I sang along. Selling earrings and photo prints and just feeling the spirit of God moving all around me today. It was Amazing.
I will be back tomorrow at 10:00 Sharp!
Later this evening I went and saw Ponyo! I loved it so much. The inspiration that it gave was exhilerating. I good just image Haiyao Miyazaki Sitting at his drawing table and being inspired as he worked with a furosious passion to get the story to drip from his fingure tips.
The story was so lovely. I was in love with the characters from the openning scene. As I road home I felt nothing but inspiration and joy and love all around me. It was a spiritual experience.
Anyway i will see you guys tomorrow. And thank you to all that bid on my auctions.
This money will go toward the Baltimore Comic Con.
God bless,