Wednesday, October 7, 2009

READY... SET... GO!!!!!

I got the finishing touches on my sketch book and had it printed today. I also got my key chains, charms prints and sketch cards all frames up for the show. God I really hope that Baltimore comic con will be worth all the work. here are a few Pics.

The book was printed locally and I hand assembled it. It also includes a free print to go along with the painting walk through I did a while back. Of all the books I have done I have never included this much Mainasha art.
I only have about 16 copies made cause i wanted to see how well things go in Baltimore. after that I wanted to dfo pre orders fr those that would like a copy. The books have a B/w interior with a color print. for your enjoyment. I am very excited about this being done. I also found a store locally that is willing to carry some of my books.

Now I just gotta finish pinups for your pleasure!

Woo Hoo!

~Arie Monroe


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

We all need insiration! This makes me feel alive!

I spoke to my friend Michelle today! So exciting she recently finished at Van Arts! She is a great inspiration to me and she made me excited about animation all over again cause I haven't really gotten to be around people that love animation for a very long time.

I watched some cool you tube videos as a result and it really reminded me what being an artist is about. Sometime you just gotta cut the bullshit and get your ass on the grind right.

I thought I would share some of the stuff I watched.

I have a few animations I started but I haven't gotten back to them in a while. I feel like I should.

I love this! I wish I could study in France.

Monday, October 5, 2009


New sketch book will be available at the Baltimore comic con. I am putting these together by hand for the convention to make sure I can have them at the con. After this I will make it available online.

As an extra surprise there will be a tone of original art and Mainasha stuff in this one. the fan art is actually pretty minimal. There is also a lot of nudity so this isn't recommended for the kids. the book has about 50 pages.

The first 16 books will be hand bound by me so I can have them for Baltimore. After this I will have them available for pre orders. The book has a short painting walk through and will include a color print of the final painting.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Day in the life!

I am sure we all have that person in our life that makes everything we do their business. Most of us call them parents. I wouldn't give um up for anything in the world. No matter how annoying lol.

God Bless,

Arie's Sketch Dump