Did these sketches based on the art work of sky dolls, I love or Barbucci/Canepa so I wanted to sketch some stuff and maybe turn one of my characters into a sky doll for fun.
Special thanks to all the people that took time to comment on my blog. I really appreciate it. I Think I have officially decided what I want to do. I feel that the longer I ponder over these things the more time I will waste so I want to put a plan in action and just go for the gold.
I want to thank you all for your opinions on this matter. I think they were a deciding factor in making the decision I made today. Especially the comment "*your time is too important to waste. minimum wage jobs are not worth your time. but if you can get paid better, get paid." Mama's about to put in some work. I need to prove to myself that I can do whatever it takes and turn my past mistakes on there head.