Thursday, May 13, 2010

Phoenix week 2 Back in Ohio

It has been a while since I actually talked about much outside of posting art so I wanted to drop a few life updates. I finally made it back to Ohio to do a major move. With every thing I own here the few little clothes that I did have in missouri have been worn out pretty much. I think it is nice to be back in Toledo though. I have always thought this was the most beautiful neighborhood on earth.

Honestly being here for the short time I was, is what inspired me to want to garden back home and really trying to do things to make my own home more enjoyable. Before my Grandmother passed many years ago she us to plant flowers every summer both in the front and the back yard and we had many beautiful house plants. I miss that. And though I know nothing about growing things I have managed to grow basil, parley, carrots, corn, strawberries, watermelon and assortment of other delicious treats. I am most proud of my beautiful swiss chard!

The people around here really take good care of their homes and I want to spread that into my own backyard. Plus I really love getting out into the sunshine and away from the drawing den sometimes. I guess you could call it my new hobby!


Arie's Sketch Dump